Meet Our Pastor
Reverend Nancy Howarth began serving as a part-time interim pastor for the Presbyterian Church of Delta in July, 2024. She preaches at Sunday worship services, moderates the Session (the governing board of the church), and fulfills the customary duties of a pastor.
She previously was pastor of the Eckert Presbyterian Church and before that she and her husband, Steve, were pastors on Long Island in New York.
Beth French
There are a few current members of the church who can call themselves “Dyed-in-the-wool Presbyterians.” I’m one of them!! My parents were married in the Delta Pres. on Christmas Eve 1955 and I was baptized in the church about a year later. Of course, I don’t remember the baptism but I certainly remember my communicants’ class and the special event of receiving my Bible in 1965 – the one I still use.
While Don & I weren’t married in this church, God’s beautiful Island Lake Overlook on Grand Mesa suited us perfectly, as did the Delta Pres. Minister, Jim Thompson. After leaving Western Colorado for our first jobs in Wyoming and the second ones in Aurora, we returned to Delta in 1986. Naturally, we returned to active participation in the church, with Don serving on Session and me playing piano – sometimes organ – about once a month.
Our only child, Phaelen, was baptized in this church in the fall of 1990. I do remember that blessed occasion: at our request, Pastor Rymes used Colorado River water. My part-time worship music contributions continued and I remember bringing Phaelen as a preschooler with me while I practiced the organ. When we began homeschooling (and both still working), I couldn’t spare the organ practice time at the church but I continued contributing to worship music on the piano.
One of my favorite contribution memories was co-directing Christmas programs with Melanie Hall a few years. While of course they clearly told the MESSAGE of Christmas, they had a host of avant-garde characters presenting it, which made it so much fun for all.
I did serve a term as Elder and appreciate all those who have served and those who are continuing to serve. With the passing of David Mangum, the weekly worship music quickly became my responsibility. I’m so grateful for Demeris York for finding Tami Egbert to share this contribution.
You’ll note that almost all my preludes and postludes are based on familiar hymn tunes. The older I get, the more I treasure not only the tunes but words. When Pastor Mike sends me the bulletin details, I try to find hymns which support the theme/message.
I’m grateful to be part of this small but stalwart congregation and humbly appreciate being able to share a gift that God gave me and that my Grama Gilbert nurtured in my youth.

Tami Egbert
Tami was born and raised in Grand Junction and worked for 30+ years as a medical transcriptionist. She has one son, Taylor, who also plays the piano. Tami has been married to Vic for 19 years. They have lived in Cedaredge for the last 9 years and have 3 cats (Tinks, Muffin, and Dewey).
Besides listening to classical music, she enjoys Sudoku and jigsaw puzzles. She volunteers at the local food bank and is very involved in her local church. Tami’s photo with her mom is because “She is the reason I play the piano. She passed along her love of music. She was my first teacher and will always be my inspiration.”

Sidina “DeeDee” Lousignont
DeeDee does part-time bookkeeping for a number of business including the church. She works 1-3 hours a week to pay bills, post all transactions and prepare financial reports, and other related tasks.
Ruling Elders

Presbyterian Church of Delta is also led by the Session of the church. Referred to as Elders, they serve as overseers by leading the various ministry areas of the church. These Ruling Elders, with the Session Moderator, Pastor Nancy Howarth, are the governing board of the church. Those in the picture with the pastor, from left to right are: Margaret and Ron Bonine, Demeris York, Jan Switzer, Bob and Jeanie Brown.